Very practical and quick
Very practical and quick
If it was more like OfficeLens in terms of capability, itd be perfect.
Useful app..
Dot com. Do people still say that? Anyways, it works flawlessly.
This app works great!!
Its wonderful but the scan could be more accurate. Cant beat free.
6 plusで落ちるのか。。。 ちなみにEvernote も落ちる。 困ってます。
Easy to use and convenience! Thanks to Evernote! However, expecting more accuracy and development.
スキャン完了後から、evernote反映が遅いときがあります。 スキャンから数日後に反映します。
Very efficient to use and great user interface.
Its fast, easy and very correct app !
This apparel to scan your documents easily without lousy quality image
重宝していたが、evernoteに「送信できない」との表示がなされるようになった。大至急、対処願いたい。(iPhone6 PLUS使用)
I want an app to scan business cards and save them to Contacts, and this is it.
As far as i know, its best app out there! User friendly and completely free. No complain.
I like the auto scan possibility and sharing. PDF file saving is great.
Thanks for this it is very easy to use for my simple business
The latest version delivers a good scan quality. It is also easy to use. Recommended!! ^^
awesome app! thanks a lot